Polycrystalline Panel
Anti-reflective Coated Glass for
Enhanced Power
- Bis and IEC Certified
- High Efficiency
- Suitable for All Weather

- Voltage Range: 12V - 24V
- Watt Range: 10 Watt - 330 Watt
- Solar Cells Per Unit: 36 - 72
- Warranty: 25 Years
Mono Perc Halfcut Panel
State of the Art Technology &
High Grade Premium Components
- Bis and IEC Certified
- High Efficiency
- Suitable for All Weather

- Voltage Range: 12V
- Watt Range: 375 Watt
- Solar Cells Per Unit: 72 - 144
- Warranty: 25 Years
Frequently Asked Question
While solar panels can still generate some electricity in shaded conditions, their efficiency and overall output will be significantly reduced. Minimizing shading and optimizing panel placement are crucial for maximizing the performance and return on investment of a solar energy system.
Regular Cleaning, Monitor for Shading, Check for Damage, Monitor Performance.
- Polycrystalline- Made from silicon crystals that are melted together.
- The silicon is poured into a mold and then cut into wafers.
- Have a bluish hue due to the light reflecting off the silicon fragments.
- The surface looks speckled or fragmented.
- Generally less expensive to produce and purchase.
Monocrystalline-Manufacturing Process:
- Made from a single continuous crystal structure.
- The silicon is formed into a single crystal using the Czochralski process, then sliced into wafers.
- Have a uniform black color.
- The single crystal structure gives them a more streamlined and uniform look.
- More expensive to produce and purchase.
- Higher manufacturing costs due to the more complex process.
25 years